Inspiring Women with Inspiring stories

One day isn't enough time to celebrate hardworking, boundary-pushing, and inspiring women who are making a difference. For the entire month of March, we're highlighting incredible women with heartfelt stories and uplifting advice

Charlotte Buchanan

Encouraging women to break through gender norms

Charlotte Buchanan

Encouraging women to break through gender norms

Charlotte’s endearing spirit has carried her through some of life’s biggest adventures, including becoming a volunteer firefighter, a search and rescue volunteer, and, most recently, a mother. The polarity of her gentle yet fierce essence naturally welcomes women around her to feel supported and motivated to achieve their hearts’ biggest desires. Charlotte Buchanan, the Digital Experience Director at Christy Sports, shares her insight on pushing past your limits, knowing your self-worth, and breaking down gender norms. 

Charlotte grew up with her two siblings exploring the ocean and rocky shoreline of Southern Rhode Island. As a child, Charlotte loved learning about different ecosystems and being inspired by the natural world around her. She always sought out new experiences and joined her middle school’s ski club. It was there that she discovered her joy for skiing, and her love for outdoor sports began.  

During college, Charlotte found herself with some extra free time and a desire to push herself, so she began rigorous training and joined her local fire department as a volunteer firefighter. As the only woman on her team, she learned the importance of pushing herself while also respecting her body’s limitations. Her team took her in and treated her as an equal, which made her feel empowered and planted the belief that you can successfully break through gender norms.  

After college, Charlotte took on a high-pressure job where she found herself learning how to be resourceful in a corporate setting. She wore many hats in that job which helped shape her decision-making skills and again tested her ability to know when she was pushing too far past her limits. Through many life lessons and triumphs, Charlotte has learned and frequently reminds those around her that if you find yourself in a situation where someone makes you doubt your self-worth, get yourself out of that situation. No job, relationship, or situation is worth questioning your self-worth. 

Be open to opportunities when they are presented to you and feel empowered to seize them, even if there are unknowns.

Be open to opportunities when they are presented to you and feel empowered to seize them, even if there are unknowns.

A few years after her big NYC job, Charlotte had the opportunity to move to Colorado. The Flatirons became her new backyard, and running through the mountains became her new form of therapy and meditation. During this period of life, she realized this was exactly where she wanted to be and how she wanted to live her life.  

After moving to Colorado, Charlotte was longing for her firefighter community and the fulfillment it brought to her life. After a full year of diligent and more rigorous training, Charlotte became a rescuer for the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, one of the busiest mountain rescue groups in the world. During her training and countless missions, she learned the importance of teamwork and how to work effectively with a team. She also learned the depth of her emotional awareness and how it’s imperative to be honest with yourself about your emotional wellness.  

As a first responder, it’s important to know when you can take on a rescue mission and when you need to protect yourself both physically and emotionally. Charlotte will be the first to tell you that this runs true in all areas of life. Charlotte knows it is important to push yourself to go beyond your limits but will remind you to respect yourself enough to give yourself time to recover both emotionally and physically, whether that be in rescue missions or in any of life’s challenges.  

Charlotte recently gained her most treasured title, a mother, where she has discovered a whole new level of capabilities and endurance. Bringing her sweet daughter, Juniper, into this world is one of her proudest accomplishments. Charlotte champions all women and mothers and recognizes each of your individual strengths.  

Charlotte's story is a beautiful reminder “not to allow yourself to be constrained by gender roles or “glass ceilings.” Be open to opportunities when they are presented to you and feel empowered to seize them, even if there are unknowns. And lastly, if you’re not testing your limits, you’ll never know your true potential.” 

Shop Charlotte's favorite outdoor gear

Clare Knievel

A story on resilience, determination, and empowerment

Clare Knievel

A story on resilience, determination, and empowerment

Clare’s brave personality has led her on adventures around the globe, helped her achieve her dream job, and proved her strength in the face of loss. Clare Knievel, Christy Sports’ Digital Storyteller, inspires those around her on a daily basis and encourages women to take on new challenges, be brave, and embrace their own unique journeys. Clare’s story is one made of resilience, determination, and empowerment and proves that even in the face of loss and hardship, it’s possible to overcome challenges and achieve extraordinary things.  

Clare grew up in Bend, a small mountain town in Oregon where the rivers meet the mountains. Her parents were always encouraging her and her siblings to go outside and explore the outdoors. She grew up riding mountain bikes, camping, and simply enjoying the natural beauty of her backyard. Her father’s love for the outdoors had a lasting effect on Clare and inspired her sense of adventure from a young age. 

After college, Clare moved to Beijing, China, where she taught middle school students English. She remembers being terrified of moving that far away from home, but her adventures in China helped Clare push through fear and help her discover newfound confidence. During her stay in China, she explored all that it has to offer with her long-time partner, Andrew. Together they adventured through the Great Wall of China and went on a year-long motorcycle backpacking trip throughout Asia. 

“Being scared is okay. It’s important to remember that you are capable of whatever challenging circumstances come your way.”

“Being scared is okay. It’s important to remember that you are capable of whatever challenging circumstances come your way.”

Clare returned to the U.S. and found herself back in Oregon, interviewing for a dream job at Nike. Clare looks back at that time period and remembers receiving several no’s before she got her well-earned yes. It took her a year of interviewing, working hard to develop new skill sets, and growing into a confident woman who knows she belongs in any room she dreams of. Clare encourages all women to say yes to new opportunities and reminds her peers not to stay stagnant in whatever they are doing. She’s learned that it’s crucial to take up space in any room, especially in an industry that is primarily dominated by men.  

A few years later, Clare packed up and moved to Colorado, where she landed her job at Christy Sports. It was during this time she re-sparked her joy for skiing. However, her world flipped upside down while on a ski trip in Steamboat, CO, where she got a call that her father had unexpectedly and tragically passed away. The utter shock and grief from her loss transformed Clare.  

Her father’s passing is a constant reminder of the fragility of life but has also motivated Clare to channel her emotions into making skiing more accessible and inclusive, especially to women, through her work at Christy Sports. She knows her dad would have loved to talk to her about all her ski trips and endeavors. Clare lives out his legacy by continuing to go on adventures and facing her fears head-on. Throughout Clare’s life experiences, she has learned that being scared is okay and that it’s important to remember that you are capable of whatever challenging circumstances come your way.  

Today, Clare is proud of how far she has come and how much she has overcome despite her fears. She empowers people every day through her boxing classes and is a master motivator for people to show up for themselves. Clare hopes that sharing her story will inspire other women to recognize their worth, try new things, and help build each other up. She knows that more women who aren’t afraid of taking positions of power will lead to a more collaborative and successful world, especially in the outdoor industry.  

Shop Clare's favorite outdoor gear

Tracy Gibbons

Teaching Women Perseverance While Chasing your Dreams

Tracy Gibbons

Teaching Women Perseverance While Chasing your Dreams

Tracy Gibbons' resilient, competitive, yet humble nature has been a force to be reckoned with since she was a young child. It has led her down a successful path of ski racing, including traveling the world as a member of the U.S. Ski Team. Over the years, Tracy has become an incredible advocate for women in the ski industry and generously shares her insights on perseverance, learning to step back, and chasing your dreams.  

Tracy grew up in Bellevue, Washington, where she was destined to become a skier. She was born into a family of ski patrollers who put her in skis shortly after she took her first steps at age 2. She remembers having trouble finding ski boots that fit her feet, so her parents put her in white rubber cowboy boots that somehow had the perfect heel to attach to her skis.   

Being a skier was undoubtedly in her blood, but Tracy’s deep love for the sport stemmed from her family trips to Crystal Mountain, which she still calls her home mountain. Today, she has her own family of skiers with her husband and two kids—all of whom share her love of skiing.   

Tracy started her ski race career at age 14 for Crystal Mountain Alpine Club, which eventually led her to qualify as a member of the U.S. Ski Team. Shortly after winning a silver medal at the World University Games, Tracy finished her ski racing career at Seattle University. She looks back on her well-loved ski racing career which included 14 knee surgeries (yes, 14) with nothing but gratitude.

“You must believe that if you miss one opportunity by choosing to take care of yourself, another opportunity will always be waiting for you at the other end.”

“You must believe that if you miss one opportunity by choosing to take care of yourself, another opportunity will always be waiting for you at the other end.”

If anyone can relate to the heartbreak of an injury, it’s Tracy. Through each injury Tracy encountered, she persevered by listening to her body and respecting its limits. She often reminds others in similar situations that “although today seems incredibly important and you feel the need to push yourself, it’s necessary to take the time to take care of yourself. It’s always better to take a half step back and ask yourself if this is the right thing to do. Opportunities will come and go, but you must believe that if you miss one opportunity by choosing to take care of yourself, another opportunity will always be waiting for you at the other end.”  

Tracy has devoted 17 years of her time to women’s ski clinics, where she’s led and encouraged women to join the sport. One of her most frequent nuggets of advice for women who find themselves scared on the mountain is ensuring them that getting started is the hardest part. Once you get going, it becomes easier. She knows the fear of that first turn on a steep run and has been a cheerleader for many women as they face that fear.   

Through the years, Tracy has become a natural at mentoring women of all ages interested in skiing or joining the outdoor industry. She vividly remembers watching Debbie Armstrong, a former Alpine skier from Seattle, win an Olympic gold medal. Watching Debbie go after her dreams gave Tracy the confidence to chase hers because “if she can do it, so can I.” Tracy embodies the importance of ‘seeing is believing’ and lives that legacy by being a mentor and example to other women. She wants to make sure other women know they are capable of doing anything.  

Tracy wants women from all walks of life to realize that “if you have a dream, chase it because anyone can do it. You might get kicked in the teeth a couple of times, but if you put your mind to it, you can absolutely do it.”  

If you are in search of a women-based community or mentor, Tracy wants you to know that her door is always open. If you feel called to reach out, you are more than welcome to do so, or you can visit her at Sturtevant’s in Bellevue, Washington! 

Shop Tracy's favorite outdoor gear

Erika Northrop

Encouraging Women to Follow Their Bliss

Erika Northrop

Encouraging Women to Follow their bliss

Erika’s daring personality has led her down steep slopes, gnarly trails, and turbulent rivers. This intrepid streak is paired with her inclusive spirit that welcomes anyone seeking the exhilaration of big adventures. Erika Northrop, the Area Manager for Christy Sports in Taos, New Mexico, shares her wisdom on letting go, listening to your body, and the importance of encouraging women to pursue their passions. 

Erika grew up in El Paso, Texas, as the youngest of seven kids and six dogs. She was born into a life of adventure, riding quads, exploring the surrounding desert and mountains, building rockets and swimming competitively. Frequent family trips to Taos Ski Valley kindled her deep love for skiing. She and her husband Tyler are grateful to now call Taos home, raising their 4-year-old son Watson to fully enjoy the outdoor sports offered in the area, especially skiing, rafting, rock climbing, hiking and mountain biking. 

Intending to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a doctor, Erika studied biology and chemistry in college. Her vision of what she wanted her life to become shifted after a rafting trip in Mexico. Erika’s boat flipped, pushing her into a powerful hydraulic rapid where she found herself desperately fighting against the water. Erika remembers fully letting go and thinking, “This is it.” Seconds later, the river sucked her to the bottom before quickly popping her back to the surface in an eddy. She remembers this moment as the first of many times nature humbled her, engraving the powerful life lesson of letting go of control. 

“Follow your bliss, and as long as you are passionate about it, don’t give up.”

“Follow your bliss, and as long as you are passionate about it, don’t give up.”

Shortly after her semester in Mexico, Erika changed her major so she could graduate as soon as possible and move to Montana. Over the next decade, she was a whitewater rafting guide whose work took her all over the United States. During this time, she continued to learn more about a variety of outdoor sports. 

Moving to Seattle proved to be a pivotal point in Erika’s career. She got a job as store manager of Sturtevant’s, a Christy Sports family company, and was mentored by owner Tracy Gibbons, a former U.S. team skier. During this time, Erika gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of mentorship and seeking out people who inspire you to be a better version of yourself. 

Today, Erika carries out that legacy by advocating for women, especially in the ski industry. She calls herself overly friendly, especially to women new to the sport, and is consistently encouraging women to speak up for themselves. She puts that mindset into action through her support of SheJumps, Sisters in Action Sports, Outdoors for All, EDGE Outdoors, and testing skis for Ski Magazine. Erika’s positivity is making a difference in how women feel accepted, seen and welcomed in the outdoor industry. 

Erika will be the first person to remind you to be kind to your body and unapologetic about doing what’s best for you. If you want to go down big runs, work your way up to it. If you want to go skiing to have a good time with friends and après, do just that. 

Erika wants women (and men!) to know that they should never feel forced into any sport, let alone feel intimidated or fearful of failing. She encourages everyone she meets to follow their bliss, and as long as you are passionate about it, don’t give up. Erika envisions a future where the outdoor industry isn’t so segregated by gender—no more “shrinking and pinking” when it comes to women’s gear or dividing up retail stores by gender. So, if you find yourself in Taos, be sure to stop into Christy Sports and say hi to Erika, especially if you’re a woman looking for support from women in the industry! 

Shop Erika's favorite outdoor gear